Truly awesome products speak for themselves. They have some magic quality to them. They feel just right.
When you have to tell people that your product is great, there is something off.
A great product is not an exercise in convincing people through an argument. A great product is an exercise in building a product that speaks for itself.
When a founder tries to convince people with words versus actions and growth, it is always a longer, and often unfruitful route.
Repeating over and over again that your product is great, is better than competition, and that you will definitely win, without data to back it up will not benefit your business whatsoever.
Great founders are deeply passionate about their business, but they strike with data and authority, not with emotions and adjectives.
Great founders know that talk is cheap.
They do not waste time talking about disrupting industries. They actually do it.
Image credit: CC by Asterix