This mini documentary by filmmaker Sachin Dharwadker explores the ins and outs of the tech industry in New York City. It features Anthony Casalena, CEO and Founder of Square Space, as well as his staff, Tyler Payne, an independent software developer and designer, the two cofounders of Push for Pizza, Cyrus Summerlin and Max Hellerstein, and the founder and cofounders of Pundit, Chris Aston Chen, Jason Ji, and Billy Shaw Susanto.
Each person talks about their company and how they got their start in NYC. Halfway through the video, Tyler Payne explains the differences between startup cultures in San Francisco and NYC. Everyone agrees that design, diversity, and tech all differ in these regions. I zn the Valley “It’s all focused on hard technology…that tries to address everybody’s needs on a huge scale,” said Chris Aston Chen, Founder of Pundit. They go on to explain that NYC structures their startups around existing companies. It is a more relaxed environment.
By the end of the video, they discuss their future goals and endeavors for their companies. Everyone agrees that New York City is the best place to build a startup. Tyler Payne asks, “What are you doing to push you small culture future?”