Andrew Ackerman is a mentor, entrepreneur and angel investor. In the mid 1990’s, Ackerman worked as a senior consultant and later associate with Booz and Company.
After a brief stint as a product manager for Kaplan Test Prep Online, Ackerman would spend eight years as the Chief Operating Officer and eventually Head of Product with
Since Feb. 2014, Ackerman has been the Managing Director for DreamIt Ventures New York accelerator, where he helps to launch startups by providing mentorship, workshops, introductions, speakers, office space, legal services and all of the other various and sundry help that accelerators provide.
He is also a contributing writer for AlleyWatch.
Selected Investments:
RK Ventures
ff Venture Capital
Volunteer Spot
Cardiac Concepts
Avid Radiopharmaceuticals
Azima DLI
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Memorable Quotes:
On why startup founders should use old phones: “Yes, it is very important to be on top of the trends. Yes also, following the cutting edge is critical to your long term planning. But if you build your current feature set around what the best tech can do, you risk leaving the bulk of your potential users behind.”
On why family offices are ill-equipped for angel investing: “Unfortunately, most family offices don’t realize how fundamentally different early stage investing is from other alternative asset investments…They are used to meeting emerging hedge fund managers that way so why shouldn’t they find a great startup that way too? Because the best startups are never, ever represented by an investment advisor.