Attention, iPhone Owners. This is a test. It is only a test. And the very first and only iPhone battery test, mind you. is a battery benchmarking app for iPhone that’s easy to use and provides you BatteryScore with a reliable indicator of the health of your device’s battery. Thinking of selling your phone or buying a used one? Now you can test the battery first. Founder Wolfgang Gabler seems to be on to something. They’ve had 1000 downloads in just ten days. And that’s not all.
Tell us about the product.
BatteryScore – is the very First and Only iPhone Battery Benchmarking Application. BatteryScore allows users to benchmark the strength of their iPhone battery. The application operates by running a stress load test on the iPhone and then measuring the battery degradation over the period that the test runs.
How is it different?
There is no other application like this on the market. It was not easy to get the approval from Apple.
What market are you attacking and how big is it?
The market is pretty huge because of approximately 100 million sold iPhones.
What is the business model?
Batteryscore has an integrated possibility to upgrade to more features:
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What are the milestones that you plan to achieve within 6 months?
We want to reach at least 100,000 users. We got nearly 1,000 right after the release.
If you could be put in touch with one investor in the New York community who would it be and why?
I don’t know any investors in New York City so far. So I would be happy for any advice.
Why did you launch in New York?
Because we live in this wonderful city and there are many great people and developers available.
Which iPhone has the best battery life?
That’s a tough question because it depends on some parameters. When you are using all features of an iPhone 5 and compare it to an iPhone 4, the iPhone 4 battery will last longer.
Where’s the best happy hour in New York?
At home with my family… 😉